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Muslim. Daughter. Malaysian. Doctor-to be.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

endless power

May peace be upon you, readers :)

it's been a while, kan ?

i'm here just to share a music video,
dah lama dengar but never try to find the video,
 until one fine night, ada ceramah, Thursday Talk by Ustaz Ridha kat kolej.

Tajuk : Ada Apa Dengan Allah.

and he showed us this video.

one thought : Islam is universal. YES. it is.

tak terbayang sebelum ni macam mana tengok bangsa lain beragama Islam. just a few lah kalau jumpa pun indian muslim, chinese muslim, and foreigners kulit gelap or cerah yang Islam. but after watching this video, 

one word : subhanallah. Islam di mana-mana :) 

rasa tenang bila dengar ni. stress pon hilang. see? kuasa nama-nama Allah. :)
