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Muslim. Daughter. Malaysian. Doctor-to be.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Le Tour de India

Assalamualaikum :)

Pagi ni rasa ada mood nak share some pictures taken during our tour around the North India last February.

and I want to apologize to some of u who are waiting for my tour stories. I did promise to write about it here, but I can't simply put my experience into words. It is just so... difficult. It's priceless. Nak tahu kena bayar. hehe.

silakan tengok gambar-gambar. bukan gambar moments. but more to tempat-tempat yang kitorang pergi. credit to kawan saya yang tak mahu dikenali :)

Who remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], "Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire. 
(Ali 'Imran : 191)

the most awaited place!  rasa macam mimpi dapat tengok Taj Mahal. macam lukisan. sangat lah cantik.

Ramai sangat orang time ni. sebab Taj Mahal bukak waktu petang hari tu sebab ada President Great Britain 
kot yang datang melawat waktu pagi. so 'accumulate'lah semua orang dari pagi sampai petang.
  tiket untuk foreinger was Rs750 each. kalau local people Rs75. can you believe it ? 
but alhamdulillah, kitorang dapat advantage. dengan bantuan tour guide, kitorang dapat potong queue. 
and dapat cut masa lagi cepat. berbaloilah tiket mahal, takkan nak beratur panjang yang amat jugak. hehe

Gate of India.
Depan Taj Mahal Hotel yang pernah kena terrorist attack tu. Tepi laut. Pun cantik :)

Tepi Gate of India. Sampan-sampan banyak. 

cantik kan ? ^^

Another view

Elephanta Cave.

View Gate of India daripada arah laut dalam ferry. Angin sejuk cucuk sampai tulang

Somewhere kat Jaipur.

Qutb Minar.
Kat sini diukir tulisan jawi. tak sure ayat quran atau tidak

 Finally, it was snowing ! -20 degree kalau tak silap

Subhanallah :)

saya suka yang ini :)

Area Go-Kart after horse riding

Jama' Masjid.
Disini hilangnya camera tersayang
banyak lagi tempat-tempat yang tak menarik cuma tak upload je gambar. sebab tak ada gambar yang macam ni. sorry!
 The End.


Window Gazer said...

cantikkkkkkk sngt33333! nak visit india kalo bleh!iA

MadhiahMohdGhazali said...

amie ! jom la dtg ! pakay ngn fiza. dia nok mari tuh :)

Anonymous said...

ini medec ke? :D

MadhiahMohdGhazali said...

medec? medic ?

Anonymous said...

:) oh tak. saya ingat awk medec (kawan saya masa sekolah dulu) :D

nway, assalamualaikum, selamat berkenalan! nice blog btw! ^^

MadhiahMohdGhazali said...

ohh waalaikumumussalam!

selamat bekenalan! blog awak pun best! :D

sjaa64 said...

nice places!!! subhanallah :) keep on updating madhiah...sayangnyaa camera hilang..

MadhiahMohdGhazali said...

insyaAllah :)

tu lah kat. nok wat gano. keno beli dslr nih. hehe
